What does your ZIP Code say about your spending habits?

Software company Esri recently unveiled an interactive map of the United States that combines Census and marketing data to highlight spending and living habits of residents in the community.

Called Tapestry Segmentation, the map uses employment, spending and Census data to create profiles within each ZIP Code.

Residents living in Sanford’s 32771 ZIP code, for example, have a median income of $46,000 and a median age of 35.5. They typically rent a house or apartment in a culturally diverse neighborhood.

The top profiles in the 32771 Zip Code include:

Metro Fusion (14%) – Young, highly mobile; English is a second language for some; anxious to impress with the latest fashions and electronics; shop at discount grocery stores and Walmart; eat at Wendy’s and IHOP, highly connected to technology; watch BET, MTV, Spanish-language networks and pay-per-view; listen to R&B, Latin, rap and reggae; soccer and football are favorite sports.

Enterprising Professionals (13%) – Young, well-educated; work in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) occupations; early adopters of new technology; shop on Amazon; favorite restaurants include the Cheesecake Factory, Chick-fil-A and Starbucks; free time spent traveling, museums and going to the beach; movies and TV are watched on high-speed internet.

Bright Young Professionals (13%) – Young, educated, with white-collar jobs; racially diverse couples; concerned about the environment; banking, playing games, accessing YouTube and visiting blogs are reasons to go online; use cell phones to redeem mobile coupons, listen to music, text and check for news; rent movies from Redbox or Netflix,; play sports and eat out often.

In Sanford’s 32773 ZIP Code, 36% of residents are classified as Metro Fusion. They also have similar living arrangements, median incomes and age as residents in 32771.

By comparison, the Lake Mary’s 32746 ZIP Code has a median income of $71,000 and a mediam age of 40.9. Most residens in this ZIP own their own single-family home.

Resident profiles include:

Home Improvement (14%) – typically married; favorite restaurants include Chili’s, Panera Bread, and Chick-fil-A; weekends are usually crammed with home-improvement projects and trips to warehouse club; TVs are usually tuned to the DIY Network for inspiration for future projects.

Top-Tier (14%) – corporate career or operate own business; home maintenance chores handled by contracted services; join fitness centers and shop at high-end retailers; travel frequently and attend charity dinners; get news from the Internet, radio and newspapers.

DeBary’s 32713 ZIP Code has a median income of $54,000 and a median age of 48.3. Most residents own a single-family home.

Resident profiles include:

Rust belt Traditions (27%) – jobs in either manufacturing, retail or health care; earn modest incomes from wages or Social Security and retirement investments; shop for bargains and American-made products; watch ESPN, AMC, and Animal Planet; regularly read newspapers, particularly on Sunday; Outback and Applebee’s are occasional dining-out treats.

Silver and Gold (24%) – retired and drive luxury cars or SUVs; donate to charities; contract for home maintenance services; activities include golf, boating and traveling ; more apt to own an e-reader than a smart phone; regularly exercise; information comes from newspapers, magazines and books.

To see the analysis of other ZIP codes across the U.S., click HERE.

– by Dan Ping

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